Pumpkins are being carved, scary movies are being watched, leaves are changing colors and everyone’s getting ready for our oh-so-favorite spooky holiday season. And there’s nothing more spooky than these top 5 social media secrets that every social media experts should know but doesn’t:
#1 Leveraging Links with Visual Content
If your main social media goal is to convert… then why are you still sleeping on the power of linking? Visual content can act as a “gateway” to more valuable content. That’s why the most successful brands leverage short-form visuals to promote long-form visuals with outside links. This secret will undoubtably help you drive more traffic back to your website, products, services and more!
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#2 The 80/20 Rule
Your team is posting every day on social media… but how often are they directly interacting with your customers and other brands? You should only promote your business and own content 20% of the time, while the other 80% is all for interacting. Not many brands know about the 80/20 rule, but once they do, they never go back. Follow this rule of thumb, and we promise your content will soar with success!
#3 Actionable Hashtags
We all know and love hashtags… but are you truly using them to their full potential? The most powerful hashtags are ones that build communities around specific actions. This tip is great for running campaigns, hosting contests, sharing content and even cross-pollinating your message across platforms. When using hashtags, actionable ones are always the way to go!
#4 Twitter Testing
You use Twitter… but are you using it to test out content ideas? If not, you’re missing out. What’s great about the platform of Twitter is that it serve as a powerfully effective “content lab” that allows you to test how well-received a piece of content is likely to be. This way you can gauge interest in subject areas before you even sit down and write your content. If you want game-changing results, testing on Twitter is key!
#5 Remarketing Social Advertisements
You’ve already written, designed and leveraged a killer digital advertisement… so why not remarket it on your social media platforms? Remarketing is one of the most powerfully effective techniques at your disposal. If you’re not already doing this, then you’re literally putting all your time, money and effort into a single opportunity. There’s nothing scarier than a waste of resources!
Now that you’ve got these spooky secrets in your back pocket, your content is ready to booo-st! Worried that your social media marketing just isn’t as ghastly as it should be? Contact the Dazium team today and we’ll get you there in no time!